Why learn first aid and emergency skills?

Safe Hearts Training Founder First Aid Story…

People often ask me (Sherry), why should I learn first aid? And my answer is always the same – because it’s one of the reasons I am alive today!

It all started at the age of 14: I was rushed to hospital because I was in excruciating abdominal pain and collapsed. This happened on my way home from school. I was taken to hospital by a woman I had never met before and after spending a week in hospital on antibiotics, fluids and various different medications, I was diagnosed with anaemia and infection. 

After several more hospitalisations, fast forward 4 years – it was the most exciting time of my life. I was going to become a mom for the first time.  

I was so excited and happy!  

But 3 months into my pregnancy I was diagnosed with an illness called Sickle Cell Anemia, I had no idea what it was then, but a nurse explained my illness and said that people with my condition don’t live past 30 or 40 years old, there is No Cure and that my pregnancy was high risk.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), is an inherited condition that affects thousands of ethnic people worldwide. It’s a blood disorder that affects the red blood cells, and various organs in the body – resulting in severe pain, chronic fatigue, anaemia, increased risk of serious infections,tiredness, shortness of breath, frequent trips to hospital andother problems, such as delayed growth, strokes and lung problems. Without treatment, people with SCD can die in childhood but even with treatment, it can still cause serious or life-threatening problems. 

As I progressed with my pregnancy, I spent a lot of time in and out of hospital, needing people to donate blood and had to have several blood transfusions to prevent me from becoming anaemic and have a safe delivery.

It was one of the scariest times in my life… 

In a few weeks time I will be 35 years old, it’s a tremendous milestone but to achieve this I had to rely on family, friends, colleagues, strangers, paramedics, nurses and doctors to provide first aid, Pre-Hospital care and inpatient care on a regular basis. 

Like many other people who have an underlying illness, we rely on others for help and support when we become ill. And so, 5 years ago I left my NHS nursing job and set up a company called Safe Hearts Training – a company which is dedicated to empowering individuals with first aid skills: Skills they can use confidently to save lives and help people like me. 

By learning first aid and other life saving skills – if one life is saved it will be all worth it. People who are trained in first aid and other life-saving skills can make all the difference between life and death and because of their intervention paramedics, doctors and nurses have a better chance of saving someone’s life. 

So, I guess the reason why I want people to learn First Aid is a personal one and I passionately believe by doing so, it will help make a difference to so many other lives, just as it does to mine. 

At Safe Hearts Training we offer a range of online, classroom and onsite courses in first aid, paediatric first aid, basic and advanced resuscitation, health and safety, food hygiene and training for the care sector. 

We offer one, two and three day classroom and onsite courses that are regulated and non-regulated and meet the requirements set out by the regulatory bodies. 

We also run 100% online courses that meet the requirement for continuing professional development (CPD), as part of monthly subscription services, or a one-off purchase.

These UK accredited courses help to enhance your learning, and keep up-to-date. They are ideal for adults who want to be prepared for professional development and prefer an e-learning format.

First aid at work – 1 & 3 day course

Our first aid at work courses prepare and train people to deal with a medical emergency – either at work or in the home. In remote locations, it is important to know how to provide extended first aid and support until the emergency services arrive.

Paediatric first aid level 3 –1 & 2 day course

Our paediatric first aid courses teach people how to respond in an emergency situation when dealing with infants and children, how to resuscitate children they are caring for and how to recognise symptoms of shock, meningitis, epilepsy, Sickle Cell Anaemia, diabetes and many other serious sudden illnesses.

Basic Life Support and AED Training  – Half Day Course

Our BLS and AED Courses are designed by experts and industry leaders with the aim to raise industry standards helping individuals and professionals improve their skill set, enhance their life-saving techniques and knowledge of their roles and responsibility. It covers CPR, use of an AED, choking management and recovery position. 

Immediate Life Support Level 3 – 1 Day Course

Our Immediate Life Support helps healthcare professionals provide high quality care, which is safe, person-centred, timely and effective to improve the chances of survival and prevents the deterioration of a patient.

As a UK registered training provider, we train and empower health professionals to recognise, respond, revive and review patients who need emergency care whether in or out of the hospital setting.

Our training credentials

Safe Hearts Training is able to deliver Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified courses. Our training is fully compliant with the latest training standards and our teaching materials are kept up to date. Courses are delivered, evaluated and quality assured to meet current food preparation and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines.

Discounts and Service Offers

You will receive a 25% introductory discount to all new clients, on a group booking. In addition to this, we offer free weekly video refreshers, free online student manuals and free online resources with every course when you book training with us.

To learn more about how you can help saves lives by learning a life-saving skill – visit our website www.safeheartstraining.co.uk for more information.

Thank you for reading! 😊

Sherry Diaz-Thompson

Founder and Lead Trainer

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